For Thought-Leaders and Educators
Take Action to Create Your First Online Course - the Right Way
From structuring a results-driven curriculum to pricing your product, all the way to lead generation - we'll cover exactly what you need to know.
Learn all of my tried and tested secrets in my exclusive course.
Everyone has something amazing to teach the world
Including you.
Stop sitting on your ideas, skills, and talents.
Share them with people who need your unique gifts.
Online Education is Growing Exponentially
and you should be a part of it
Statistic #1
The global online education market is anticipated to climb to $400 billion by 2026
Statistic #2
Since 2020, 98 percent of universities have moved their classes online, and many stayed there
Statistic #3
90 percent of U.S. corporations have incorporated online learning in their business
Here are the Actions We'll Take
a lesson-by-lesson breakdown of the course
Start with Marketing
If you fail to plan then you plan to fail, as the old saying goes. In lesson one, I'm going to discuss why you should always start with marketing to create a course that people actually want to buy. We're going to dive into how to research already sought-after topics based on marketing data to set the stage for a highly successful course.
Structuring Your Course
In lesson two, I'll be covering how to structure a course that people will love (and finish!). We'll cover how to put your ideas down on paper, how to structure a course that supports your students no matter their learning style, and how to help people to gain the best possible results from your course.
Pricing for Profit
In lesson three, we're going to be talking all about money. I'm going to show you the exact structure and strategy that I use to help my clients to structure their revenue model, how to understand typical conversion rates for courses, and how to turn your hobby into a fully-fledged business.
Branding for Thought-Leadership
In lesson four, we're going to dive into how to brand yourself to create a professional-looking course and to become a sought-after thought leader. I'll be covering how to present yourself as an expert that everyone loves and trusts, and even how to turn your course into opportunities for speaking and media.
Recording Your Course
In lesson five, it's all about taking action to record your first course. I'll discuss how to set up your shots, my recommended and affordable gear, and (most importantly) how to not get stuck in the weeds.
Editing Your Course
In this lesson, we'll cover best practices when editing your course to make it easy to remove all of the (unavoidable) bloopers. I'll also outline my top editing tools and resources that are perfect for beginners.
Promoting Your Course
In lesson six, it's all about putting your course out into the world! We'll be talking about ways to promote your course, and how to get the most traction right away to start seeing money in the bank without spending tons of time on social media.
Making Real Money with Courses
In our final lesson, we'll discuss how to take things up a notch to really amp up your earnings and make course creation a full-time gig.

Afton's Action-Essentials
Action Planner
Worksheets and Recommended Gear
This handy download will take you from start to finish, from researching, to building, to launching your first course. I'm also including my top tools, gear, and resources for beginners.
Quick A Audio Lessons
Get Your FAQs Answered - Quickly!
I bet you have a lot of questions about creating your first course. In my Quick A's, I answer the most frequently asked questions about course planning, creation, and lead generation to help you along the way.
Course Funnels
For Beginners
Getting your website up and running can be hard. I'm including two of my best funnel maps for beginners to help you to generate leads and sales for your first course.
Wait, have we met?
I'm Afton, but my clients call me Action
I hope you will, too.
After over a decade working in digital marketing with some of the biggest thought-leaders, I've come to know a thing or two about what works, what doesn't work, and how you can actually make an impact (and money) with online education.
I help you to focus your time, resources, and knowledge so that you can accelerate your growth and be seen and heard online - all without getting caught in the weeds.
In other words, I help you to take action - the right way.
Learn more about me →

Learn what you need to know
in only 70 minutes
to create your first course

3 Major Things That You'll Learn from This Course
01 If you build it, make sure they'll come
We're all about action and results around here. I'm going to discuss how to plan the promotion of your course before you even start building it to make sure you're that you see the highest amount of sales from day one, even without a social media following.
02 You could be helping more people with a course
Your 1:1 practice could be limiting how many people you actually reach and help. We'll discuss how to supplement your practice or business with courses, and even how to transition to an online business full-time.
03 It's not as hard as you think
Creating an online course doesn't need to be difficult. If you love what you do, teaching will come easy to you, even if you've never been on camera before. I'll discuss how to make things easy for you when creating your first course from my very own experience.